Shakespeare Authorship Links
Major Authorship Organizations:

De Vere Society YouTube Channel
Research Resources:
Shakespeare-Oxford Online Library
Mark Alexander’s
James Warren on Amazon – looking for books on the history of the Oxfordian Movement? Look no further.
Open Source Shakespeare (a searchable database of all the plays)
The de Vere Geneva Bible Online – The Folger Library’s Luna Archive includes the de Vere Geneva Bible
Other Sites of Interest:
Festival Robe – Chris Carolan’s Post-Stratfordian Blog
Mark Anderson’s Shakespeare by Another Name Blog
Hank Whittemore’s Shakespeare Blog
Nina Green’s Oxford Authorship Site – Many important documents in original and modern spelling transcriptions
Online Discussion:
Oxfrauds and other Bumblers:
“A copy of the Geneva Bible in the Folger Library containing 550 marked passages has long been identified as belonging to the library of Edward De Vere.” Sadly, the site goes downhill from there.
“Anti-stratfordians try to seduce their readers into believing that there is some sort of “mystery” about the authorship of Shakespeare’s works.” Read David Kathman’s analysis of this “seduction” on Shakespeare – the website that allows no comments and has barely been updated since 1995.