News and Scholarship on the Shakespeare Authorship Question

Category Shakespeare Diagnostics

The category includes all posts dealing with Shakespeare’s primary Bible allusions and their association with the de Vere Bible annotations, letters, and psychology of the author.

The End Crowns the Work: A Proverb from Edward de Vere’s Letter in Shakespeare

The post includes high resolution photos of de Vere’s 4th Danvers Escheat letter, which includes the proverb, “finis coronat opus,” “the end crowns the work.” The proverb is repeated with variation in Shakespeare at least three times.

A Secret Chord in Shakespeare: Music Therapy in I Samuel

The de Vere Bible annotator underlines three key moments of action in I Samuel 16:23, in which the young David plays on his harp to cure the madness of Saul.

Shakespeare’s Bible: St. Paul and the De Vere Geneva Bible

The post considers the significance of one of the most striking of the de Vere Bible annotations, the annotator’s supplemental correction of the missing pronoun at Romans 7:20.

What is a Shakespeare Diagnostic? Why should You Care?

Sticky post

The Blog entry discusses the startling fact pattern of the de Vere Geneva Bible annotations: almost 2/3 of Shakespeare’s most commonly alluded to Bible references are marked or underlined in the book.

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