News and Scholarship on the Shakespeare Authorship Question

Author Roger Stritmatter

Roger Stritmatter is a Professor of Humanities at Coppin State University, where he has taught since 2003. His curriculum vitae is available here.

Thank You, New Location for Folger de Vere Bible

Thank you to those who have recently posted a reply any to the blog entries or the conversation on them, or have privately messaged me via the “Feedback” system. I’ve been so focused on several forthcoming articles, including one of… Continue Reading →

Michael Skeptical Returns

Dialogues of Michael Skeptical and Peter Principle II We last encountered Michael Skeptical with him en route to Roswell to find evidence to offer his sage wisdom to employees of area 51. Since then, we are told, during the Covid… Continue Reading →

1604 and the Shakespeare Fact Pattern

Apparently in responses to Ms. Winkler’s Guardian story about the Francis Meres analysis I published in Critical Survey a chorus of followers has taken it upon themselves to lecture the internet. A leading argument of this internet flashmob concerns de… Continue Reading →

Audley End Annotations Revealed at the Blue Boar Tavern

The Blue Boar Tavern kindly sponsored a discussion on the Audley End Annotations in this video recorded two weeks ago. Blue Boar hosts Bonner Miller Cutting, Dorothea Dickerman, Alex McNeil, and Jonathan Dixon — all experienced authorship skeptics — posed… Continue Reading →

Audley End Annotations Show Handwriting of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford

A detailed forensic study, forthcoming in the Journal of Forensic Document Examination, of the annotations of six books at Audley End in Essex shows that that they are not made, as sometimes supposed, by Sir Henry Neville, but by Edward… Continue Reading →

The Audley End Annotations are Not in Sir Henry Neville’s Handwriting

Here’s the first of what will be many videos on the Audley End Annotations, sponsored by the Shakespeare Authorship Trust and the and posted to Youtube in April 2022. The video shows with detailed analysis why the annotations are not,… Continue Reading →

Forthcoming Article on Audley End Annotations to help Revolutionize Shakespeare Studies

Nearly a year ago the De Vere Society Newsletter published several brief first impressions of the content of the Audley End Annotations, following my April 2022 discussion of the handwriting question for the Shakespeare Authorship Trust. The Authorship Trust lecture… Continue Reading →

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